TalkTyper Privacy Policy
TalkTyper respects your privacy. No signup or registration is needed to use TalkTyper. As much as we value your visits, we do not attempt to identify you or collect your personal information.
TalkTyper does set cookies, but these cookies are used to save settings that you've made, such as default language, font choices, etc.
The server we use is set up to log IP addresses for security reasons, but no attempt is made to tie these IP addresses to activity on the site.
Interaction with other sites:
TalkTyper makes use of speech recognition services provided by Google. A recording of your voice is sent to Google's servers and the recognized text comes back. TalkTyper is not privy to the policies of Google regarding the speech samples and recognized texts. It is probably wise to avoid using dictation for subjects that are highly private or might identify you personally.
If you choose Google for text playback or enable the translation functions, then your text is sent to Google for playback and/or translation. The cautions in the preceding paragraph apply here as well. Google's general privacy policy can be found here. If you use SpeechUtil for text playback, then your text is sent to speechutil.com for recognition.
If you use the email or Twitter functions available on TalkTyper, your text will be sent to other services, such as Gmail or Twitter. This text will be transmitted through the URL of the link you click on. Again, think carefully about using this service for highly personal information.
Finally, TalkTyper carries advertisements. The policies and procedures of the services which place these advertisements are distinct from those of TalkTyper. To learn more about these policies, you can go here.